

I have learned to listen, and the exact time in which there’s a shift in energy, I have learned to he present. When I am bubbly and happy, my mood changes, and I can almost always mark the exact time it happened. I don’t like to admit it most of the time, but I also know what changes it. I have been feeling like that the last few days, like my energy has shifted. I have struggled with this feeling, and then it finally hit me. I know exactly what it is and why I am feeling the way that I do. Does it suck? Yes, it does, because I feel really scared right now. I am back to where I started—the feeling of what if. This shift sucks, and my heart is heavy. However, I know one thing for sure: I am going to be okay. I just need a little bit of time to deal with it and accept that this is my day. Then I’ll walk the journey, for I will be ready. For now, I listen to the shift as my energy changes. All I can say is this: I am ready for this journey, just like everything else. In my life, I live to conquer another day.

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