Porridge which is a mixture of so grounded cereals like sorghum, millet and maize flour. Recently people as come up this power porridge which has become a booming business due to the allegations that it raises mans stamina. Power porridge has some more complex ingredients added like cassava, yams, arrow roots, groundnuts and milk.
Porridge cools in a funny way cause it’s top layer temperature can be 100 times cooler than it’s bottom layer temperature. Don’t take porridge in a hurry whenever you are served if you are not sure of it’s temperature. It’s temperature per layer is determined by the method used in cooling it. When it’s put in a cup or any container to cool on its own, it tends to cool from top to bottom. This makes it’s temperature to vary through the layers from top being the coolest to the bottom being the hottest. For one to make the porridge to cool uniformly you have to put the container with it in cold water for some minutes. Also letting it sit for a long time in an open non vacuumed container makes it cold eventually.
I learnt this the hard way one day I was left to babysit my nephew. I was to give him porridge after he wakes up from his afternoon nap. As a good aunt that I have always been to him I put a cup of porridge on the kitchen counter to cool as ye naps. It’s like he didn’t nap for long cause as soon as he work up and I served him that porridge he wailed his lungs out. Worse he didn’t spit the porridge he went ahead and swallowed that sip. Ouch! The wailing, screaming and crying that followed sent my neighbor in with out knocking on the door. I guess she thought the worst had happened. May God bless her for coming in a rescued the situation before it got out of hand. She gave my nephew some first aid and taught me that important lesson that I have just taught you. How to ensure the porridge temperature is the same throughout all it’s layers.
I can only relate this to people who appears to be so cool and defenceless until you step on their toes. Let me tell you for free this is like awakening a sleeping lion. You will see fire and war beyond what your mind can ever imagine. All I can say is respect everyone and ever underestimate those people who are persived to be cool guys.
Please post the recipe for cooking porridge