“Rome wasn’t built in a day,” (John Heywood). This saying connotes that anything that is of value or that can last a long time, isn’t done haphazardly. It’s thought through, planned for, implemented then after some time, you start to see the impact of what you did.
Just like anything worthwhile, courage is also built overtime. And not by one event but by consistent efforts to build it. No one comes out the blue courageous and especially just saying it; that they are courageous. It shows in their interactions.
Courage is a character thing and is built overtime. You achieve one thing, then it builds the courage in you, then you do another thing. By the time you have done this ten times or even once you are far ahead of the one who never tried.
And remember, you have to building courage towards the right things. The goal is to build something that isn’t easily shaken. You can be building courage to steal; you will be caught at one point or the other and in many instances, it is not in a pleasant way, just avoid it altogether.
Build courage towards the right things. For instance, if you ever started a business, and then unfortunately at some point it went down, the likelihood of you gaining courage to start another after sometime especially if you thrive in business is high. Compared to someone who has never started a business.
Courage is not an overnight thing, it is built. Therefore, gradually build it.