
Baba Chir

Baba Chir

My dad bought a flask last year. A beautiful piece of utensil, and when I was leaving home, I carried it with me. This man has always given us everything he has that could help us. His first laptop, he gave it to me; in his words, I needed it more. Never mind that he was also in university at the time. His second one, he gave it to my brother when he started his degree. I cannot count the number of phones he has had to get for us. I had to ask him to get himself one back in the day because he was too busy taking care of us.


This year ends with him having a 30-year-old me, my 29-year-old brother, and our lastborn, who is 22 years old. Then there are the eight-year-old and two-year-old granddaughters who adore him more than anyone. The other day, me and my girl were at the supermarket, and she said something so beautiful. She said, “See that cereal; that’s what Grandpa gets for me, and he always brings me things I like. You know he treats me like I am his little princess. I am his little princess.” To see the beauty of someone through a child’s eyes is so powerful.


My dad will bring home things that he knows we love—every last one of us. He knows what we like, and when all of us are home, there will be something for each of us. My daughter has figured this out very early in life, and I love it for her.


I have so many great memories of how much he loves me in all the ways he has shown me. So when I left my flask at work, I was heartbroken when I went back and couldn’t find it. I have always been Daddy’s girl, and so I called him venting. I love this bottle mostly because it’s a reminder that I am loved.He has always reassured us that we can go home no matter what, and so I carry this flask with me—a reminder that I am not alone in any of my struggles and that I inherited a tea addiction.


I was telling my brother last holiday that my favorite fact about Dad is his ability to parent the different versions and stages of our lives. We talk to him about everything difficult—exams, Nairobi Chronicles, parenting things, health issues, and anything that becomes difficult. I have even called him about my laptop acting up and my socket misbehaving, and he has always been there. We took on different professions, yet we still vent to him about them, and he walks with us through them. His ability to parent each stage of my life amazes me.Even when he doesn’t know the first thing about an issue, he’ll support us through the process of figuring it out. So when I called about my flask, he listened and didn’t judge me for being sad about something, so through it all, he has been the one person that will trust my judgement even when he doesn’t agree with me.


So today, when I found my red flask, which is technically his, I was so excited I sent him a picture. Oh, to be loved through everything is so pure. To be raised by an intentional father.To be shown that no matter how old I grow, I have a home in him. Knowing I can face the world because if I hit a wall, I have someone to call. 


Today I celebrate Baba Chir. I am grateful for you. Thank you for loving us and for leading by example. I hope and pray that we make you proud in everything that we do.


Yours trully 


Daddy’s girl 



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