Space Travel: A Vision or a Nightmare?

Space Travel: A Vision or a Nightmare?

The species known as Homo sapiens sapiens has a very long way to go in terms of travel. While ours might be the most intelligent of all species, our brilliance has been dulled by our inability to make space tourism feasable. 

In 1969, our American friends flew to the moon. It is a popular opinion among the conspiracy theorists in our midst that the whole moon-landing thing was a clever prank by the US government in a bid to outsmart their Russian rivals, the latter having already far more sophisticated technology ahead of the former. Talk about toxic rivalry!

One might be led to incline to the ideologies of the enthusiastic fanatics ,them having made hundreds of YouTube vedios in support of their fascinating claims. However, whether or not the moon landing was authentic, humanity’s maximum achievement in terms of space travel is not really an achievement in itself. 

We do not really have reason or cause to travel to space, given that evolution has denied us the luxury of wings. But evolution has given us something far more elevating: a super- brain filled with lots and lots of grey matter. We are, therefore, curious and strong willed. Since time immemorial, we have oohed and aahed at the splendor of the skies. We have written books, made tunes and lyrics, invented studies, delved into complex research – all because we adore stars, galaxies and constellations. In fact, we have idolised and payed homage to the sky gods.

In the Middle Ages, people begun to apply more elaborate scientific and mathematical expressions in their daily lives. Our smart brains, fuelled by curiosity, proved that nature is governed by laws. People made theoretical conclusions based on research stroked by pure genius. Galileo, Newton and Claudius Ptolemy are the more known fathers of astronomy, and they have contributed to the extensive studies of astrophysics in relation to time ,space and energy, themselves having read the works of ancient Sumerians, ailurophilic Egyptians and witty Babylonians. Although we were so many years into human civilisation, there was no advanced technological enlightenment yet. People did not know how to construct a bicycle, let alone make machinery capable of flight. So it happened that the Renaissance man was laid to rest with the undying dream that one day humanity would beat the odds and scale the skies. 

In 1903, the American Wright brothers, one of whose birthday was declared National Aviation Day, made a rocketing breakthrough in aviation. Fuelled by zealous curiosity, they jointly unlocked the key to mechanical flight. The rest is history. Even after many failed attempts to fly, humanity was finally able to actualize a dream that would completely change our ways of life. Planes were mechanised to suit the necessity of aerial combat. In more peaceful times, planes were tailored to accommodate transport of people and goods. Planes were used to do literally anything that our colorful minds could ever imagine. But as already expressed, the human mind is curious, and so is a cat’s, but our feline friends do not have as much grey matter as their human slaves .

So people wanted—needed— to know more, to see more, to experience more. 

When it comes to space travel, one instantly thinks of America’s NASA, which, of course, has absolutely no affinity to Rt Hon. Raila Odinga’s extinct political party. Truth is, Russia and select European countries have worked into sophisticated spacial discoveries just like their Yankee counterparts. And it must be acknowledged that any list of nations which have heavily invested in this obsession of the exploration of heavenly bodies cannot be complete without the mention of China. Given their adeptness in all things robotic, the Chinese have contributed to the discoveries of the beauties that lie in outer space. But no other nation is more generous in its suppliance of scientific information than the United States. If one has been following, there has been a recent discovery by the James Webb telescope manned by NASA. They have shown us just a scope of what the human mind cannot fathom. Interestingly, the fabulous pictures, some of which accompany this my narration, have proved known Physics theories wrong. After years and years of slow but steady scientific development, we can look at amazingly glamorous galaxies and absolutely captivating constellations light years away. We can remotely experience the formation of stars and the assimilation of dusty nebulae. We can even witness the fearsome splendor of the mysterious black holes from the comfort of a lab. ( p.s: If you happen to be in a watering pool and have made it to read this far, drinks are on me. If you are in a less intoxicating setting, give yourself a congratulatory back-pat). 

What’s my point, if I have any?  My point is more inquisitive than specific: given that we all are wanderlusters, how long do we have to wait for space tourism to practically materialise? Or rather, are we ready for vacationing in the infinite cosmos? I know we’ll all go to heaven someday ( or hell ), but must we wait till then to have a tangible adventure with the universe? Elon Musk has hinted of a luxurious interstellar adventure, but for most of us it abruptly ends on his numerous and sometimes controversial Twitter posts. Just how long will we wait? 

One’s thoughts are provoked by the realisation that even half a century after Galileo, we still have to face the challenging prospects of space shuttles designed to accommodate several hundreds of suitcase-laden tourists bound for some distant planet. Actually, a moon-landing escapade by a bunch of gleeful travellers from this group would be a good start . But how far are we from realising this age old dream? Ere donkeys sprout horns, I am persuaded that the cunning of our species will come in handy for the realisation of space tourism. If we need to actualize mass space travel, let us continually excel in every type of astral research, given that space travel comes with the disappointment of not just being physically challenging, but also biologically hazardous.

But before contemplating on space tourism, let us first make use of our present liberties and opportunities – liberty to use our brains liberally, and opportunity to travel this spherical mass of rock we call Earth. 

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