
Year recap

Year recap

Its amazing how this year’s pictures look.How beautiful our backgrounds were when we smiled for pictures.The smiles that hid so much that was going on then.If pictures really could speak, they would have so much to say.The exact feeling at the moment.How much we hide even as we live each day at a time.The beauty of all it is that we are here,we still have the chance to rewrite the story.Funny thing is most of us take for granted today.We take for granted the time we have to renew our paths .We say we’ll do it tomorrow,we tell ourselves that it can wait.That we will figure ourselves out and pursue that dream.That person that you desire so much,you look at them and say you’ll pursue them when you are ready.Sometimes you console yourself that even they aren’t ready for love,as if you can hear their thoughts and feel there desires.That friend that you wronged a while back,your ego has convinced you that you were right.However if something were to happen to them you would start wishing you had reconciled with them.That business you keep putting off,please understand that the luxury of time doesn’t apply to money, pursue your desires.If there is anything that this year taught me is to give it my all and let nature takes it’s course.Speaking of nature,well you can’t fight it ,you can try and use energy to go against it.Yet the q thing you’ll gain is exhaustion and stress.I hope we learn to take a breath,to listen to how we feel around circumstances.To stop blaming everyone and take the blame for our actions.To carry our consequences with pride,to love our scars long enough to heal them.To love with all of our being,to let go when it’s not worth it any more.To live because life is for the living.

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