The wild forest

The wild forest

A few years ago, I needed a family planning method. So I go to a public dispensary here in Nairobi. My period has always been light, so I never wear pads; I just wear liners, or when I am indoors, just cotton pants. I get there, and I mention my preferred choice. To which they say it’s present. They ask me if I am on my period. I say yes, to which that woman says I show her my pad. Daaamn 😳😳😳 I tell her I am wearing it as I always bleed light. I work in healthcare so I know the rules I tell her I can take a pregnancy test so she can confirm am not pregnant. I even offer to do an ultrasound just to be sure.She says anataka pad ikiwa na damu.Something is wrong with our health systems really because what the actual hell was that? I was already having a bad day and she made me feel worse. I have not recovered he.ll I might never but looking back now I know why I stayed in a relationship that was wrong for me…My self-esteem went somewhere and I didn`t know where. I didn’t even tell that woman anything I just walked away in tears…oh, I cried a proper one and that person I was sleeping with didn’t even comfort me..I have lived in the rear ends of the bare minimum and I have survived. Nothing scares me no more…

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