Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – The Blacklist Edition

Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – The Blacklist Edition

Your Favorite TV Show Quiz – The Blacklist Edition

1 / 12

1. Which season of "The Blacklist" features the introduction of the character Mr. Kaplan?

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2. Who is the character played by Hisham Tawfiq in "The Blacklist"?

3 / 12

3. What is the name of the main character in "The Blacklist"?

4 / 12

4. Which character fakes their own death in the season 3 finale of "The Blacklist"?

5 / 12

5. Who is responsible for the fire at the Keen house when Elizabeth was a child?

6 / 12

6. Who is the head of the Russian mob in "The Blacklist"?

7 / 12

7. In which season was Elizabeth keen Killed?

8 / 12

8. Who is the head of the Cabal in "The Blacklist"?

9 / 12

9. What was Elizabeth's Russian name?

10 / 12

10. Who is the assistant director of the fbi in the blacklist?

11 / 12

11. Who is the number 1 in the Blacklist?

12 / 12

12. After his fallout with Reddington, which organization does Dembe work for?

Your score is

1jmkariukik07gmailcom100 %1 minutes 41 seconds
2Francis Muiru100 %2 minutes 8 seconds
3Guest87 %1 minutes 54 seconds
4Guest87 %2 minutes 4 seconds
5Guest73 %2 minutes 14 seconds
6Panache HQ73 %2 minutes 26 seconds
7Guest40 %44 seconds
8Guest40 %52 seconds
9Guest33 %27 seconds
10Guest33 %1 minutes 32 seconds
11Guest27 %1 minutes 2 seconds
12Guest27 %1 minutes 33 seconds
13Francis Muiru27 %5 minutes 42 seconds
14Guest20 %31 seconds
15Guest20 %32 seconds
16Guest20 %42 seconds
17Beyonce Else7 %3 minutes 2 seconds

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Vee Mimo

    Great questions! I loved this series and now, I thinm I need a refresher😂

  2. Geofrery Walubengo

    Very outstanding film

  3. Joy Ngeny

    the quiz has made me wanna repeat the whole show

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