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Best surprises for your partner in a romantic relationship

Best surprises for your partner in a romantic relationship

Nearly everyone in this world loves surprises and I would be wrong if I said that someone wouldn’t appreciate a surprise from their partners. A large percentage of the people on this earth live with internal battles they don’t want to talk about and a great surprise would do them a great job by reducing the effects of their struggles.

I compiled a list of some of the best surprises that would awe your partner.

Booking reservations to places they would like to be

Everyone has an idea of the perfect place they would want to be someday. This would be either because they have been there before, have seen pictures and posts about the place or because someone recommended the place to them and they would want to see this dream come true.

Send them sweet messages after they fall asleep

On a daily basis one of us has to fall asleep first and nearly everyone feels moody in the morning and would want something that melts their hearts when they wake up. I would recommend that you take a picture of you sleeping partner and forward it to their messages with an explanation of how you feel about them and praise them too.

Leave them sweet notes as you leave early for work

Sometimes we are required to report to our daily jobs early and we do not want to disturb our partners before we leave for office. So why don’t you just write them a note about something they would love to hear you say before you leave the house and stick the note od something they must touch like their phone screens or laptop screens or even the television.

Write them love letters

A letter is a bit old school but trust me with the fact that your partner would be amazed if you managed to free some of your busy time and write your partners some handwritten love letters.

Invite them to cool places

A cool place is not just any place but a place that would maybe bring your partner back some of their most appreciated memories. A cool place could also be an open place where the two of you could go and have a chat together in the dark watching the stars and you would appreciate the moment.

Remind them about something stupid you did together

Every couple has a memory about something stupid they did together either after marriage or before they got married. Such a stupid moment reminder would bring back past memories and could make a sad person smile once again.

Remind them about your dating days

Our dating days are the most entertaining moments in our lives. We tend to do some of our stupid things together. We would love dare devil experiences where we would cross boundaries we are meant not to cross or go to forbidden places together.

Recreate your first date.

I don’t know about how your relationship started but I am sure that your fist date was a hell of an experience. This was because of the joy, the surprises and not forgetting the laughter.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Racheal Mathai

    Make them a simple dinner at home with their favorite food.

  2. Stephanie Waweru

    Many often do not know how to surprise their partners. This post at least gives a few tips to doing so. Kudos.

  3. Teresia Mwaura

    Its all about investing in a relationship. Sometimes we become selfish

  4. Shukrani Maina

    Great things to try to improve the relationship

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