
Have you ever felt like your partner thrives on chaos?

Have you ever felt like your partner thrives on chaos?


Given their potential to become victims of war, some people might never consent to peacemaking. Accepting accountability for one’s fair share of the fault and resolving conflicts involve commitment to change, which is too much for an immature ego to handle. Dealing with this kind of person causes mayhem when you talk about your feelings and how they hurt you; you end up fighting over unrelated things.


They might label you as a narcissist, mentally ill, and find it difficult to live with you. While they keep a hard, calculating exterior, they may cry and beg for assistance. If you come to terms with the fact that you are awful, you could make an effort to improve and go to therapy. But sometimes the truth will come to light, and you will see that you are a victim of the most dangerous person on the planet—schizophrenics are only second in risk.


Since your escape from prison is a matter of life and death, you may decide to forgo trying to correct them or seeking advice from experts who have no idea of personality disorders and instead prepare for a jail break. while making decisions like taking out a big loan, quitting your job, relocating abroad, or getting pregnant with them while you’re feeling a lot of confusion and loss, it’s crucial to get more information. This disruption is your inner guidance telling you to investigate further before getting further entangled.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Carson Anekeya

    The comparison to the risk posed by schizophrenics adds a compelling layer, emphasizing the gravity of the dynamics at play. Thank you for offering such a thought-provoking perspective on a nuanced and often challenging aspect of human relationships.

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