we all deserve to be happy if we chose to be,we can say its personal decision.we have to agree on that because no one is going to decide for you and make your happiness come true.though once in a while we get angry, sad and we’re simply not in the mood,just give it a try be alone somewhere quite chill and sstart thinking of the best moments you’ve ever had in your life.tell yourself the best stories,console yourself and you’ll find happiness coming by itself.
someone,somewhere will tell me…’sometimes i need to cry’,yes cry out loud because it’s allowed but do it alone…..believe me you’ll find peace that you’ll never let go of it.
your secrets will remain with you and God,you’ll not worry at all….
one day you’ll prove me rght -that life is best when you live alone…..don’t worry about others view on your life….everyone is fake you are the only real person to your life.
Indeed our happiness is our responsibility