


  • Post author:
  • Post last modified:December 20, 2023
  • Post category:Health
  • Post comments:3 Comments
  • Reading time:3 mins read

In the 1800s  going backwards people suffering from Mental Disorders were regarded as possessed , and were chased out of the community. On subject on Mental Health, people still have stigma talking about it, its still an atypical matter, especially in our local communities .  

What’s  Mental Health? 

Its made up of two important words, Mental which basically means the mind and how its works.  

Health is  state of being well , physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Mental Health is a state of the minds well being , that affects how people build relationships, working with different people and personalities , cope up with stress, an individual  knowing their abilities  and how to contribute to the society . Its a fundamental tool in the personal, social and economic well being.

Mental Illness or disorder is a condition that affects ones emotions, thinking or behaviour. 

1 in 10 adults according to research  is suffering from  a mental illness, like bipolar, depression, schizophrenia

Depression being the 4th leading cause of illness in youths.

Suicide being the 2nd leading cause of death in youths globally.


Factors that can affect ones Mental Health include;

  • Genetics – most mental health disorders and familial conditions that are passed down through generations
  • Socio-economic factors-  The tough economics times especially after COVID 19,  have lead people to cope with stress in different negative ways that have affected the brains funtions, people have gotten into depression. People born in poor backgrounds tend to engage in drug abuse at a young age .
  • Underlying conditions-  Conditions like , HIV &AIDS , diabetes  and cancer, syphillis, malnutrition.
  • Adverse childhood trauma- experiencing sexual assault and child abuse at a young age
  • Alcohol and substance abuse being a major contributor to mental disorders.
  • Age – as people get older there are biological and chemical changes in the brain that affect ones change in behaviour .
  • Medications – long term use of certain class of medications like opiods and analgesics lead to addiction. 


Signs and Symptoms of Mental Disorders include;

  1. Pulling away from people
  2.  Poor feeding
  3. Feeling hopeless
  4. Feeling emotionally numb
  5. Looking down upon yourself
  6.  Seeing or hearing things
  7. Urge  to harm oneself
  8. Intense worrying or fear
  9. Significant weight loss or gain
  10. Feeling purposeless
  11. Unable to perform even daily tasks. 

There is a whole novel on mental health and I’d like to share my knowledge. 

To CT.

Y’all are blessed and enough .

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Carson Anekeya

    The mention of adverse childhood trauma and substance abuse highlights the importance of early-life experiences, while age-related biological changes and the potential repercussions of long-term medication use contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding mental health factors. Great insight.

  2. Carson Anekeya

    Your exploration of mental health and its historical context sheds light on the evolution of societal perceptions and the persistent stigma surrounding this crucial issue. In confronting the stigma surrounding mental health, your articulation of these concepts serves as a vital step toward fostering empathy, awareness, and support within local communities.

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