I am a vivid dreamer. I can sit and imagine things, work out a plan, and actualize them. There are things that scare me to the depths of my soul, but I have learned to cope with them. I have identified my strengths and learned to make the best of them. I have identified my weaknesses and taught myself to think before responding to that impulse. Lately, I have experienced things that are wilder than my imagination. The things that I always thought would make me happy have been granted more, and I have to say grace has been sufficient. I sleep well these days. I wake up feeling refreshed, and even when I am scared, I am still okay. This morning I woke to the beauty of my life,a happy home,a reminder that I am appreciated, and a healthy environment. I have a beautiful life, and so I write about gratitude.
The Bible speaks about being content. I have to say that it’s a beautiful space to be in. I am not working today, so I am sitting on my couch, smiling at how faithful God has been to me. I can smile because I have been on the opposite side of this. I can tell you for a fact that this was my dream. Actually, it is more than I dreamed of, and I am thankful. I am content because this feeling right here right now is all that I ever wanted. For everything else that I need, I know that God will provide, and that is enough for me. As for my current challenges, I believe that the one who began the good work in me will bring it to completion.
Thanksgiving Thursday