

They say fear will keep you from daring, and it stinks, but it’s true. They will also tell you that the fear never really goes away; you just learn to conquer it. Here is where it gets interesting: most of us have learned to take control of the situation. Instead of fear, we have things that we do so that we have control of the situation at all times. You are so close to that goal and are scared you might fail. You take a pause and promise to get back to it. That business that you have been looking to expand,as soon as the date gets closer, you decide to postpone. You may even venture into something else because you are comfortable with building one. You tell yourself that if it fails, it won’t matter because new businesses fail all the time. So you would rather fail at the beginning than fail at expansion. In our attempt to stay away from our fears, we build comfort. The closer you get to facing them, the more strategies you have in place to maneuver. Here is what I think about everyday self-sabotage Is a defense mechanism. We may never admit to it,but it has killed so many dreams. Something has to break a person, and comfort will never be it. Self-sabotage doesn’t protect you from getting hurt; it prevents you from rising above and growing your potential.

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