As children, we are taught to fear what scares us. You tell your child to call an adult when they are scared or to run from a person who looks scary. We teach our children that they should be safe and teach them to avoid things that expose them to danger. The channels we think are inappropriate, we block them, we protect them, and we do our best to make this difficult work safe. It’s our job as parents. It’s what our parents and guardians did for us. The irony is that once you become an adult, you are expected to conquer your fears. You are expected to rise above to scare the adult who looks scary. The fear of darkness that you have, you have to deal with it. If the boss scares you, there is no choice but to deal. For most people, the ways we learn to deal may not be healthy, but they are effective. So we use them to conquer the world. Today we have this conversation about how this generation is different from the one before it. What we forget is that we are trying to be better, give more,protect more, and heal our traumas through our children. In this journey, we forget what is important. We forget to stop and think about the effects of all of the things we do. There is a reason mental health issues have risen. There is a reason people are broken beyond what they can see. We have refused to heal ourselves so that we can be better human beings and better friends. Those of us who have gone through the process of healing and staying away from triggers aren’t even better. Because when we heal,we shut people out,we think everyone is going to mess up our peace, and we run at the slightest change of events. We forget that the more we shut people out, the more we are on our own. As cliche as it sounds, no man is an island, and no one has ever made it through life on their own.
Protect your peace, love yourself, and do not forget that you can make a difference. Go there and use your scars to make the world a better place.