Aura is the energy that describes a particular place at a particular time. There are people who carry different types of energy, even when we don’t seem to see it. I was talking to someone, and he mentioned that even though people can lie, their energies don’t. It is an interesting way to look at people, though. As far as mental health is concerned,you can only project what you have. Hurt people tend to hurt others, and even though it may not be their intention, they still inflict pain. Look at it like this: you cannot pour from an empty cup. There is only so much you can do while pretending. It doesn’t matter how good a poker face you have; something will show people who you truly are. Personally, I have had so much experience with people who lie a lot. One thing they all have in common is their lack of remorse for the lie. Their energy is filled with unease because they are always topping up lies with other lies. If you stay with them long enough, your aura will be filled with doubt, fear, and a lack of peace. What is your energy like? How do the people around you feel when you are with them? Is your mental health stable enough? Are you hiding behind your terrible behaviors without caring for the people around you? You cannot pour from an empty cup; you have to have peace to give peace. You have to be happy in order to be happy. As a parent, you need to heal your inner child to raise healthy children. Giving your child what you lacked as a child isn’t enough. You need to heal so you don’t hurt others or yourself. You will attract what you are and the things that you hate so much. You hate something so much that it builds into your subconscious; you may not see it. You may not even think about it,but it is there in you. Heal your energy and be the change you want to see in others. Be the energy you want to attract.
- Post author:Consolata Chepchirchir
- Post last modified:January 5, 2024
- Post category:Life Stories
- Post comments:0 Comments
- Reading time:2 mins read
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