
JUNE 14 2023

JUNE 14 2023

Our caretaker went home for, like, a week. The agency got a substitute for a few days. CBC humans terrorized that man every day for the time he was here. They asked him his name, then called him by the other one’s name anyway. They asked him if the usual caretaker employed him and how much he was being paid. They asked him if he would stop taking his money so he would come back. By the third day, this guy stopped being available when they were home from school. Yesterday, another one came during the day. From the way he looked, he was more like our usual. This time, it’s the adults who gave him the side eye. I even heard one man ask him for our usual. When he said he wasn’t there, that dude just told him,Huyo ndio nataka.” I felt bad for this guy because he got here yesterday and was expected to tell of his predecessor’s exact location. I have realized something: change is hard for most people. We like things the way that we are accustomed to them. We appreciate being able to understand why things are changing around us. The most interesting part is that when it’s time for change, we want it and rally for it. Anyway, we woke up this morning, and he is back. I can hear the kids scream his name as they welcome him back. They ask him if he’ll be here when they get home from school. I see the adults waiting for that answer with hope. I know for a fact that he knows he was truly missed truly.Do your work so well that even the tiny CBC people miss you when you are gone for awhile.

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