
Year 2024 Lesson 1

Year 2024 Lesson 1

Pick your friends wisely. Take your time to analyze the circle of  people around you. Know who to promote to be your friend because not every person in your circle is qualified to be called a friend. Friendship is earned and it takes time for one to know who a friend is. Friends should be there for each other in good and bad times they will always have your back. Some come into ones life pretending to be friends whole in really sense they are parasites. They are there just to benefit from what you can offer them. Be wise when choosing the so called friends, let the test of time choose them for you. When this is done you will never feel used or taken advantage of in life. I wish you luck as you choose your friends.

Friends comes as good companies in life. They should be true to you to tell you the truth whether it hurts or not. They should correct you with love when you wrong, come through for you when in need and connect you to any available opportunity that can improve your life. They should not only come to you when the need your help.

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