
Let’s Talk Feelings

Let’s Talk Feelings

Feelings are good. Feelings and emotions are internal sensors. They are the soul’s sensors. Just the way the five senses: sense of touch, sense of smell, sense of taste, sense of sight and sense of hearing are the sensors of the physical body. Also, just the way a knowing or as people like to call it intuition is the sensor for the spirit; the human spirit. Feelings and emotions give us information which is then supposed to be looked at and digested and the respond to appropriately.

Unfortunately, emotions have been demonized. The very ones that are supposed to help us know if something is good or bad. People who ignore their emotions have been deemed as strong. Yet, they are the same people who have crazy outbursts that seem to come out of nowhere every so often because they try to supress their feelings. Even Jesus who is highly regarded not just in the religious sphere but also in the world because of how he lived and his immortal teachings, he too expressed quite intense emotions. At one point when his friend Lazarus had died, he wept. Weeping is not just crying it is sobbing. It involves letting tears roll down.

We have been or seen in funerals people wailing for losing their loved ones. Tears flow. We feel sad in our souls, in our emotions then our physical bodies respond to the sadness by letting out tears. He felt sad hence he wept meaning tears were flowing. The Oxford Dictionary defines weeping as letting tears flow. There was a time out of anger he chased traders who were trading in a place meant for worship. Despite experiencing these emotions, he is described as being without sin (meaning not falling short of God’s standards of living) then expressing emotion is not sin and shouldn’t be demonized. Dwelling on and emotion however could lead to falling short of God’s standard. For example, if someone hurt you and you don’t address how this made you feel and stipulate the consequences. If you don’t address it you may start to hate the person and this therefore becomes sin. God’s standard in this case is to love the Lord your God with all your heart and mind and love your neighbour. Falling short of this is sin but having an emotion is not sinful. Emotions gives us information that something needs to be addressed or reinforced. Emotions are the soul’s sensors and they shouldn’t be demonized. All they do is give us information and that is good.

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