My daughter spent the weekend with her aunties and she has been very very expressive about how much fun she had. At some point I said I am jealous and she looked at me point blank and said “You should be, it was so much fun.” Me:Today am listening to her tell her friends about her aunties ,that they are beautiful and they make her so happy. Isn’t it amazing how much children are honest and pure, that they see and hear us. That they talk about their experiences with no fear. I wish we didn’t have to grow up and loose that part of ourselves. She dressed up, took pictures ,played with her cousin and smiled her teeth out. The pictures are worth living for because this memories are going to stay with her forever and i am happy for her. The said aunties didn’t even invite me for the hangout
and no I am not jealous, okay may be I am a little. I mean look at them, even if it were you, wouldn’t you brag about them. Women Crush everyday. LeFam..