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The Solace Series-Search for your Path in Life.

The Solace Series-Search for your Path in Life.

If you really want your path in life, you have to search for it. No one is going to come hand you on a silver platter what you want in life. You have to go for it. You have to spend time meditating, reflecting and in the quietness and silence as clear as day it will be revealed. It will be as if someone used a public address system to reveal it to you.

It is in stillness that what is inside gets the chance to speak loudly. It is no longer being muzzled by life’s hustles and bustles, distractions, worries etc. It is able to be seen, heard and felt clearly.

Therefore, no one will search for your path for you, in any case many of your hopes and dreams are hidden in you and you have to give them room to be unleashed. Not to silence them because society says to. Life is a journey and you learn yourself gradually so allow yourself some grace.

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