Courage is within you; you just need to reach out for it and do not let go until it truly is a big part of you and overflows to those around you.
Courage to go for the things you desire in life; your dreams, your hopes, your aspirations. This courage towards becoming a better version of yourself. To becoming your true self; the person you were created to be; is unleashed when you start. It is in taking the simplest of steps. The steps, the actions that we deem insignificant. Those simple, small steps and actions brought together; the result becomes very significant. You will see a difference in yourself.
The more you do, the more you do however the opposite is also true, the more you don’t do the more you don’t do. Courage comes along the way, as you continue to achieve your intended goals.
When a child is learning to walk, they first try it, then they get scared and then stop. But then they keep trying it, even as their bones continue becoming stronger enough to handle the weight of their bodies. Then, one day the child just walks upright confidently and courageously and never stops. Life is the same way, you try and try until you finally do it, then after some time, it just comes naturally. At this point you have now gained courage and confidence. But if you never tried at all, you will never gain confidence in that area.
Inspiring article