There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. (1st John 4:18)
True love is not easy to find. In whichever form it comes; and not just in a romantic relationship. True friendship is not easy to find, a friendship founded on true love for one another, loyalty, trust, and wanting the very best for one another. Be it even in some family settings, between siblings, or even the parent-child relationship. The love meter if I may put it like that, has gone a bit lower. We have witnessed gross betrayals in some cases of friendships, family relationships, romantic relationships etc. Not in all cases of course, but in some.
How then do we find true love in our different spheres of life? We level up. You can’t be operating in a low-level energy when it comes to self-love, self-acceptance, self believe and expect to attract another level in your life. You get what you work for.
First, you need to understand that you were created. By a creator; God who loves you very much. God’s love is pure. It is not based on intimidation, on fear, on bad mouthing, and it is not conditional. It is the purest form of love, the kind of love that wants the best for you; the kind that is not against you. But in order for you to accept and not just accept this kind of love but also believe that this kind of unconditional love exists, you have to level up.
To rise to the level of believing in this kind of love. This means you build up your spiritual muscles; your spirit man. You are a spirit; and you live in a body and you have a soul. “May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless…” 1st Thessalonians 5:23.
As humans we tend to exist just on the level of the physical only, meaning just functioning or operating just with bodily functions yet there is more. There are those who extend to the soul-the emotions, mind and will. Also, some to the spiritual. The truth our existence doesn’t just start with our bodies. It starts in our spirits and then extends to the soul and body.
That’s why God relates to us primarily through our spirit. We communicate to God in our spirit and the human spirit exists in the body hence responses may be witnessed on our bodies. It is in your spirit that you receive the pure and perfect love of God. Then this love extends to your other relationships: romantic, family, friendships, work colleague relationships, and any other relationships.
When you receive the divine, the Godly, this spiritual kind of love, then you also give it unto others. And because you have levelled up, you will also expect something true in your friendships, and other relationships.
True love is beautiful