As a parent, the best way to create a proper emotional bond with your kids is by strengthening your communication. Have you ever tried to ask your child how their day was only to get a quick, “good”? Asking better questions can help you get more out of your child. You can do this by asking those questions that they can easily relate to.
Why Should Parents Ask These Questions?
Sometimes parents miss the emotional mark of their children’s needs because they are busy making sure that they provide physically. However, kids need more than a hot meal. They require intentionality and need you to identify with them, empathize with them, and help them see hope in this life. Parents have the responsibility to help their children navigate their negative emotions along with modeling what a healthy person looks like. Remember that parenting also includes accepting that you will not always have the answers. In such cases, do your research, understand, and apply everything you can to better identify with your child and give them the tools to work through their emotions.
Here are some questions to ask your kids that will help them feel important, valued, and willing to open up to you.
1. Ask Them Open-Ended Questions
Try asking your child a question that will not end in a yes or no. The question can be as simple as, “What made you laugh, smile, or sad today?” Such a question shows that you care enough to know about his day if they felt safe, and if they were treated unkindly. Note that having an emotionally healthy relationship requires patience and understanding that you sometimes hold their hearts in your hands.
2. Ask Questions That Will Show Gratitude
Along with asking questions that are perfect conversation starters, you should also help your kids see the good things that happen in their lives. A parent must raise a child who is grateful and content. You can ask them questions like, “What is something you are grateful for today?” or, “Name three things that happened today that you are grateful for.”
3. Ask a Question That They Often Ask You
If you ask your child questions that they often ask you, it shows that you identify with them and want to take the initiative. As a parent, one of the most important you can do is create time to spend as a family. Make this intentional, which means that you avoid distractions such as checking your phone. You can spare as little as 15 minutes of intentional time and do something that they love together, it will mean the world to them.
4. Ask Questions That Will Make Them Think About How They Feel
Most parents get lost in their day to day and forget to ask simple questions such as “Hey, how are you?” Try asking your child how they are feeling emotionally and you might unlock a new opportunity to understand your child’s world. By addressing your child’s feelings and emotions, you are showing them that they have feelings and emotions and that it is okay to feel them, express them, and share them with you. This shows that you care to know about their emotions, and in return, they will feel safe sharing with you.
5. Ask Questions about the Hard Stuff
If you notice that your child looks a bit sad, you can ask them what happened that might be hard to say. Create a safe zone for your child and let them know that you do not judge them you are always on their side, and want the best for them. Your child will experience unexpected, regrettable, or things you wish you could have changed events in their life. However, it’s crucial to establish an environment where they feel comfortable sharing those things.
Ideally, your child should feel comfortable sharing negative things with you rather than keeping them to themselves. You have to extend them grace to do that. Reward them if they confide in you about something delicate that was difficult for them to say; don’t punish them.
In Summary
As parents, we want to provide a secure space for our children to express their feelings, struggles, and hearts. To be a nurturer of their hearts is to be able to relate to them and allow them to fail.
Your insights into strengthening the emotional bond between parents and children through effective communication are invaluable. By emphasizing the importance of asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to their responses, you highlight the need for parents to engage with their children on a deeper level beyond just providing for their physical needs.
Advice to save for the future
provide safe environment for them
Parenting is involving work that needs love,care and above all understanding
this can help avoid childhood trauma in the long run for your kids.