

I love this picture. Such a bold way to start a story, yet I have learned that the best is always the first thing you say. When you wait, bureaucracy starts to factor in. You think about whether it is right, and you ask yourself how it will sound. If you are a person who overthinks, you will even think about what would happen if it went wrong. So I have decided bold is the way to go. Say it before you can question it; say it when it is pure and honest.

This is a beautiful photograph, a representation of the exact moment in which this elephant was captured in its habitat. Living one’s best life is not for others or for the camera. It is the way it takes a step, the confidence in the move, the class in its pose, and the stature in which its head is held up high. The way it’s flawless as it takes a stroll along the paths of home.

Before y’all come for me with their gender, I don’t know what it chooses to identify with. Maybe I will ask the photographer who took this amazing photograph. Speaking of the photographer, he’s kind of a reflection of this picture.

Hear me out. He is a standard description of confidence—the kind of confidence that sets a room on fire. Calm, the kind that will have you feeling safe around him. See the way the elephant is looking? Well,  that’s how he does it. He scans his surroundings before taking the next step. Before he takes a step, he ensures his other foot is stable on the ground. So stable, it can hold his weight as he makes heavy moves, pun intended. Might explain the medals and the scaled heights.

He has made his life so beautiful that the ambiance in the picture isn’t even enough to describe it. The wave of beauty that comes with his life, the kindness he doesn’t brag about. His honesty in all of his endeavors and his selflessness even as he dares to cooperate with the world. The grace he extends to other people, including strangers who don’t know him.

The elephant looking the other way; well this man is never alone. Even when he thinks he is, there is evidence in his name, reminding him that someone is watching over him. In every step, there is someone so special who will always be a part of him. 

My friend is the one person I know who has so many superpowers that I call him magic.

He shot a beautiful shot and, in the process, made a reflection of himself. Absolute magic.

I hope this inspires someone to create a beautiful life, or, as he would say, fetch their life.


    This Post Has 2 Comments

    1. Carson Anekeya

      This passage serves as a poignant reminder to embrace life with courage, authenticity, and gratitude, drawing inspiration from the beauty of the natural world and the remarkable individuals who embody the essence of magic in their existence.

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