The good place

The Good Place

The Good Place

Where to watch: Netflix, NBC app

The TV comedy series was created by Michael Schur. He is also the creator of Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-nine and Master of None. The Good Place was released in 2016 and was immediately liked. It amassed a large number of fans. The sitcom has four seasons. It ended in 2020.It was mostly filmed at Universal Studios.

The series is mostly about a woman named Eleanor who is accidentally sent to the Good Place. In this case the good place is heaven and the bad place is hell. There is also a middle place mentioned later in the series that only one person, Mindy St. Claire, managed to be at. Determination of association with the places is through a point system that calculates all your actions on earth. The points are tallied after your death. If you score more less point you are automatically sent to the bad place.

Eleanor is introduced to her soulmate Chidi who ends up becoming her companion throughout the whole series. She is bitter due to the size of her home. While all others have mansions, she is given a small house as her forever home. As the first episode proceeds, she learns that every bad thing she says or does has an equally negative reaction to the good place causing destruction. She is befriended by her neighbor Tahani. She later discovers that Tahani’s soulmate, the Buddhist monk is also in the same situation as her.

The Buddhist monk is Jason Mendoza, a criminal from Jacksonville, Florida. They confide in Chidi. He decides to teach them ethics to help navigate the after life as good people. 

The group of four including Michael an angel from the after life go through adventures and discoveries together. They change the laws of the after life after discovering that they are corrupt and introduce new and better laws.

The series causes one to think philosophically. It evokes the questions, Are heaven and hell real? Am I living a good life? Do I belong to the good place or the bad place? All in all, we should remember not to live for others but for ourselves and what we believe. Take into consideration that the show is fiction.

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  1. Shukrani Maina

    I appreciate you taking the time to read this

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