The Power of Effective Prayer
Introduction :
Our Master Jesus Christ said: “Men ought always to pray and not faint”
Apostle Paul also said : “Pray without ceasing”
Jesus and Paul were both great prayer warriors who prevailed in deepest dimensions and highest heights in the realm of prayer. So when they said we pray, that was their lifestyles.
Prayer is
1. Channel of worship. So when you start praying you enter worship channel, where you offer spiritual incense to God. (Revelation 5:7, 8:1-3)
2. Personal ministry. So when you start praying you enter ministry platform where you minister to yourself and surrounding world. (James 5:13-14)
3. Weapon of warfare. So, when you start praying you enter battlefield where you wage spiritual forces in heaven-lies. (Ephesians 6:18, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5)
The power of effective prayer is when prayer prayed by faith and without ceasing.
Prayer is most powerful force on earth that penetrates heavens to create undeniable impact and memorable outcomes or them same overrides human affairs and glorified Almighty God by his power.
By Danson Bible dairy