Tina Turner sang about love, asking the difficult questions. “Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?” If you listen closely, you can hear how hard it is to define love. In many words, she managed an all-time hit that we all relate to. Maybe it’s the notion—the confusion that comes with—heck it could even be the scares that it brings along. But hey, it could also be something that we fight so hard to say has no description. Yet somehow there is a phrase that fits, and when it doesn’t, there’s a feeling that does remind us all that we aren’t immune to this emotion.
It will be the many cats a person will keep that they will pour their affection towards. It could be the fitness enthusiasm that leads people to live in the gym.For others, it is the beauty of gardening and the endless attempts to grow things. Oh, I have seen this one—the birthing of children to fulfill a dream—to love them and give all we never had. Have you met humans that love their cars so much they know when something shifts and they aren’t mechanics? Those people who pursue knowledge with every fiber in them.
Our own Cheruiyot, who loved the mountains so much, gave up his last breath on Everest. He rested where he loved, and that’s powerful of you to look at it from a passion perspective. Other people would say he was selfish not to think about those who loved him. Yet it remains to be heroic because he chased what he loved, honored his desires, and faced his fears.
What’s love got to do with it?
In so many words, we can agree that love gives more power than logic does. Might explain why you can’t logically define love. We can also say that love is blind because it follows no logic, and no matter how much we try to understand, we can never really explain what makes love the most powerful emotion. In pursuit of it, people have killed others, and men have weathered storms literally and figuratively. Women continue to go back to labor wards despite the pain because this love is stronger than the process. Have you listened to mountaineers’s and marathoners talk? They will tell you they are trying to overpower their body to win against themselves. So at three am they will be weathering the cold just to get to where they love, the mountain top and the finish line.
Flights have been booked so one can fly from one end of the continent to be with the one who makes them smile, and villagers have walked miles uncountable to see the smile on another person.
So like Tina Turner, I ask, What’s love got to do with it?
I agree true love often defies logic. Nice article