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Grief does not go away; it finds a quiet place in our hearts, reminding us of how much we loved. Time doesn't heal it; it teaches us to carry it-to live with the void they left behind. It is in the little things that we miss most: the laughter, the daily routines, and the endless love.
Grief, if nothing else, is something unto itself. It changes the world a person inhabits and the mode of perceiving that world, permeates the soul, leaving no single life aspect untouched. It is in losing a loved one that a person learns just how deeply enmeshed they were into one's life. Their absence now is as present as they once were-a void you learn to navigate but never quite escape. It is not mere sadness, but a learning to live with the ache that will outlive them for a long period thereafter.
Perhaps the single most profound facet of the loss of a loved one is how the empty spaces they used to occupy now get filled. It is not just their voice you miss or the way they would make you laugh or even the comfort of their presence. It's little things, in a way: the way they drank their tea, chewed their food, the sound of their laughter up and down the hall, how they had their favorite spot on the couch. You find yourself getting blindsided by the weight of their absence during these everyday moments-moments you once overlooked but now have an unbearable weight. This is an emptiness that time doesn't heal. It's something time teaches you to live with. You learn that grief is not about forgetting or moving on, but about learning to walk around the hole in your life with respect for what will never be again.