


This is the urge to do or have something even though you know you shouldn’t. In religion it’s the inclination to sin. In the bible we see so many people that are tempted in different ways like Adam and Eve, Job and many more. God at times sends temptations our way to test our faith in Him. Proverbs 17:3 ” Gold and silver are tested by fire and a person’s heart is tested by the Lord”. 

Why temptations come

Temptations comes in our life as tests to see where we are in our faith journey. The mostly serve as door way to breakthrough to the next level of life. 1 peter 4:12 ” My dear friends do not be surprised at the painful test you are suffering as though something unusual was happening to you. Rather be glad that you are sharing Christ’s sufferings so that you may be full of joy when his glory is revealed.”

We should have an open mind when facing challenge and pray that God’s grace be sufficient to us during this difficult times. 1 peter 1: 6-7 “Be glad about this even though it may now be necessary for you to be sad for a while because of the many kinds of trials you suffer. Their purpose is to prove that your faith is genuine.”

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