We often have a liking for good service, welcoming personas and serene auras.Some people are nice with or without reason.Its just who they are.In places like hotels these people thrive because they can stand all types of people, character’s and more importantly mentality.Interacting with people from all walks of life you’d be surprised at how many have stable mental capacities.Its bad out here,why?
There is a lot of pressure from job’s,the government, economic issues, diseases, families and social expectations all together this leading to easily triggered mental states and walking time bombs.
- This put into consideration, hotels are those places that a lot of people expect what they don’t give.In this way, someone will off just because you are held up at the next table and say all kinds of mean things.The downside,you got to take that lightly,try to understand their frustration and let them be.Whether you are right, they are wrong or you got less time, Patience is the key to being your awesome self.Mentally disturbing I know.
Expecting what we do not give is ethically wrong. I wish that people tried to be pleasant all the time. Perhaps some people cant no matter how much they try.