The world was created with a command and it obeyed. Without creation’s obedience, there would be no world and neither would there be any created thing. Therefore, it is safe to say that the greatest Law of all is the law of Obedience. To create is to command Obedience. It does not matter whether the command is spoken, expected or demanded; whatever is being created has to obey the creator.
Every waking moment since creation, man has been commanding obedience from all his creations. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t… but why is this so yet all dominion was given to man? “Let us create a man in our own image and likeness…” man’s creator said. He took the earth and created man then breathed life into him and lo and behold, another creator was made. He was given dominion on earth, over every living thing and over the elements that had been created before him. Every creation was in his service as he learned to command Obedience from God’s creations but which in turn would require obedience from him for a balanced coexistence. The man placed a demand on every living creature and it obeyed him; whatever he needed, the plants and trees gave up their leaves, roots, branches and fruits that they had been commanded to create by the supreme creator to serve him.
The supreme creator observed how man was interacting with His creation in his incompleteness; in his wisdom, the man had learned to command Obedience and now it was time for him to learn how to bow to the law of Obedience. To do this, he needed to learn the how to embody love but in respect to free will, God decided to make him a helper that embodied this trait. He made him a woman. For the first time in history, a poem was recited by man. “…this is the flesh of my flesh and the bones of my bones…” he was star struck by the beauty that stood before his eyes. Everything he had been learning by himself came into play. In his wisdom he named the woman Eve – the mother of the living and revealer of knowledge. She embodied the characteristics of mother earth, commanding obedience from the supreme creator’s creations through nurturing. The plants and trees gave up their secrets, the four elements bowed at her feet with treasures of their hidden knowledge, the heaven came down to her and whispered its hidden knowledge and the earth gave up all her secrets to her daughter.
Even though God’s creation was in obedience to Adam, he desired to command the same kind of respect and appreciation the woman commanded from God’s creation. Eve felt the weight of demand that was being placed on her by Adam- the wisdom of the divine– and she had no choice but to bow to the law of Obedience. She whispered all the knowledge revealed to her, living up to the expectation and demand placed on her by Adam when he named her. After learning everything from her, Adam made an attempt to demand respect and appreciation from God’s creations just like Eve did but for the first time in history, disobedience occurred.
What Adam did not know was that Eve’s natural nurturing instincts embodied God’s love, that’s why it was natural for the elements, and every living thing to obey her. Try as he could, God’s creation turned its back on him and did not give him what he wanted. Instead of observing to learn from his help-meet, Adam fell by blaming Eve of conspiring against him. He disobeyed God for blaming his creature – the woman yet he had a choice to self reflect, to be patient, kind, generous and appreciative so as to embody Eve’s characteristic traits thus learning to command obedience through nurturing. Eve took the blame personally and in turn blamed God’s creations for revealing themselves to her by applying Adam’s logical approach – that was disobedience. It was counted as disobedience to her for she had deviated from her assignment to teach the man how to command respect and appreciation. Both of them had failed to embody the humility of God’s love – which bring with it self awareness – both Adam and Eve lacked patience, self reflection, humility and appreciation thus disobeying each other and God, creating discord in the world.
A simple; “am sorry” would have sufficed but now Adam had to toil for the earth to respect and appreciate him enough to give up her sustenance to him while protecting and providing for Eve. This toil is meant to cultivate patience, self reflection, humility and appreciation while the pain in child birth and man’s leadership is meant to cultivate humility in Eve as she helps him bring balance to God’s creations and re-establish the law of Obedience.
Adam of today, what actions are you taking to re-establish your dominion? Eve, how humble are you in your knowledge of self and God given assignment of helping Adam re-establish his dominion?