The cost of democracy

The Hidden Cost of Democracy

The Hidden Cost of Democracy

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  • Post last modified:January 30, 2025
  • Post category:News
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  • Reading time:3 mins read

 Democracy is supposed to be a good thing. However, it gives rise to too many ideologies such that there is little time to put any helpful plan in action. I believe that is what has derailed most democracies.

A closer look at the progress of China versus USA reveals that democracy can be harmful to building a superpower. The People’s Republic of China is a far cry from democracy. Its leader, Xi Jinping holds most of the power and silences most of the other dissenting voices. However, it is evident that a good proportion of the Chinese people have suffered from the hard hand of the government. Nevertheless, the order and progress of the China is something to be admired by most countries.

China has become a superpower, occupying a huge chunk of the international trade. The country has successfully partnered with countries across Asia, Africa and America to build modern infrastructure. Furthermore, Chinese citizens have increased their populations in all corners of the world. I have watched several documentaries on the Chinese way of life and I have come to admire their high levels of hard work and technological advancement. Their products fill our African markets. It was hilarious to learn that most countries buy stickers used to show products’ country of origin from China. It shows that the world is unable to counter the level of industry found in China. If you want to know how advanced China is, listen to Donald Trump. The USA president recently warned that the US has to up their game if they are to compete with China in the international market. China has introduced the world to TikTok, affordable smart phones, and simple gadgets for everyday use. In light of such progress, USA will have a tall order to catch up with China.

I find that the reason USA was left behind by China is the ‘noise’ created by democracy. As such, the political environment created by democracy distracts advancement. Even though a democratic leader decided to make the country a superpower, their policies will be derailed by the bureaucracy created by democratic processes. While Xi Jinping passes policies in a matter of minutes, Donald Trump will probably need a year to pass a similar policy. Such is the cost of democracy. 

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