Year 2024 Lesson 2
Not every person that you will help that will appreciate your help. Being from a humble background I have been through a lot like lack of school fees, rent arrears,…
Not every person that you will help that will appreciate your help. Being from a humble background I have been through a lot like lack of school fees, rent arrears,…
This is the urge to do or have something even though you know you shouldn't. In religion it's the inclination to sin. In the bible we see so many people…
Thanksgiving If there is something that I have learnt to do this year is being grateful. I sat down a reflected on my life and I shed a tear. I…
Tongue is a very small boneless organ that possess power that we tend to ignore. As the bible says in the book of proverbs 18:21 "Death and life are in…
Greatful cause of life. Being a life today it's not assured r guarantee so grateful about it is very noble. Death is so unpredictable as it can happen to…
Porridge which is a mixture of so grounded cereals like sorghum, millet and maize flour. Recently people as come up this power porridge which has become a booming business due…
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is a mental health condition that comes with excessive preoccupation with perfectionism. This happens to victims whose family has history of anxiety or dipression. They tend to…
1. Molar pregnancy Molar pregnancies occur due to abnormalities during fertilization, leading to the development of abnormal tissue instead of a normal embryo. The two main types are complete and…
Minding own business In the past years out of our own deeds we made life hard for ourself. As life is designed people's material wealth has divided this world into…
Yes for sure that was a miracle. The mum had taken a step of faith as a certain regular woman of God was making usual round of prayers in the…
No depending on people or having any expectations from anybody. Last year so many people were losing hope in life due to expectations. Many had hope that after corona wave…
As we take care daily of our bodies like washing and feeding it we should also take care of our inner person. The word of God should be ready daily. …
Life is a journey and no one knows what tomorrow holds for us. We all live by the hope of tomorrow being better than today as we eagerly wait for…
Pick your friends wisely. Take your time to analyze the circle of people around you. Know who to promote to be your friend because not every person in your circle…
Once upon a time, in a little known village in the interior of a country one family was blessed. One early Sunday morning in the late 1980's, they were bless…
Woman are special people that God modelled beautifully from special clay. They carry and bear children selflessly. They nurse, teach, guide, protect and bear all troubles for the family. woman…
Why Love Causes Pain. Love is a really beautiful thing to have. Finding someone to love and share common things in life is rare. Loving means sharing your life…