At some point during my early teens, I realized that I did not naturally or spontaneously regard myself as an earthling—but as some kind of being who dwelt inside an…
At some point during my early teens, I realized that I did not naturally or spontaneously regard myself as an earthling—but as some kind of being who dwelt inside an…
Here, folks, is a juxtaposition of the African continent against a selection of countries/ regions from around the world. Such is the geographical area of our magnificent continent, and while…
There creeps an eerie feeling when you suddenly realise that you're actually stuck in the middle of nowhere. Its just like in the movies— you look around and all you…
Anti-government protests have been happening in my country Kenya for the last few months. The opposition leader Mr Raila Odinga and his supporters declared protests against the regime of the…
The species known as Homo sapiens sapiens has a very long way to go in terms of travel. While ours might be the most intelligent of all species, our brilliance…
A road should not be entirely tarmacked. There comes a thrill when travelling in a lorry carrying maize on a bumpy and rock strewn road. A proper country road should…
Is there a descriptive word for the curious feelings that one experiences in the middle of a rainy night while camped in a flimsy tent that threatens to fall apart…
Perhaps, too often, the tragedies of the past give color to the tragedies unforeseen. What fed the woes of yesterday but only feeds the sorrows of tomorrow, and we find…
The large old frog said to the cloud that roared, " you frighten me with your roaring, I must hop into my little house and hide myself!" She was coming…
While bent over with half my torso buried in a sudsy bucket of water filled with odd bits of this week's laundry, my attention was turned to my cat Meawly…
Isn't there is a contradiction of theistic evolutionary ideas against itself? The argument of theistic evolutionists contrasts special creation views while also supporting particular religious beliefs and accepting certain scientific…
There lurks a danger in the shadows of new alliances, for the soul cannot judge by mere appearances. In newness there is mistrust and deceit. An old foe is often…
What is so objectionable about being domesticated, tamed, civilized? Nietzsche comes very close, in 𝐺𝑀, to equating these to “weakness” and “sickness,” so far as our species is concerned. His…
1. What are the most important benefits – both for the individual and the collective, or society as a whole – afforded by the personae (or outer masks) that…
It is both difficult and rare for persons living today to have any clear idea – let alone, an experience – of what the first Greek philosophers were up against…
He is tormented by the hallucinations of a mad man, walking aimlessly across a vast desert of endless confusion and total loss. It's as if the very sanity that should…
The manipulation of mass opinions and sentiments leads to the concentration of power in the (usually dirty) hands of the manipulators – at least in the short run. The…
For as long as I can remember, I've not been able to sleep "early". Even as a kid growing up, I couldn't get to sleep at "recommended" times, and this…
In the end, duality appears to be 𝑠𝑒𝑙𝑓-𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑔. This is one of those governing, authoritative intuitions (like “all apparent opposites balance—or cancel—each other out”) that I find it difficult 𝑛𝑜𝑡…
Taking a cue from T.S. Eliot’s essay on Dante, I find myself wanting to lay aside the voluminous historical-literary notes and glosses to the 𝐼𝑛𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑛𝑜 – and just read the…
Oftentimes, when we speak of a mental breakdown, what we are referring to is the temporary lowering or collapse of an unnatural, culturally constructed wall of separation that was long…
Responding to someone who has referred to the well-known religious/philosophical conception of the world (or universe) as “a mighty plan of work aiming at awakening and developing consciousness,” Nisargadatta says,…
It now seems more accurate to designate 𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 as the polar opposite of 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒, rather than hate, which is an unfortunate byproduct of self-isolation. Of course it is typically fear…
I came across a passage from Jung the other day that inspired a short essay/commentary. Here’s the citation from Jung: "Empirical psychology loved, until recently, to explain the “unconscious” as…
As a child, I recall “taking the measure” of the little world (micro-cosmos) into which I had been planted like a plump, wriggling seed. By the time I was 13,…
Tense “historical” moments—such as the one we are collectively suspended in now, with the conflict that has erupted in Ukraine—afford special opportunities for all of us to test the authenticity…
What is memory and how do my layers of memory shape and influence my consciousness, my sense of personal identity, as well as my expectations of the future? …
It is both difficult and rare for persons living today to have any clear idea – let alone, an experience – of what the first Greek philosophers were up against…
In What Ways were the early Greek thinkers more open – or more directly exposed – to the whole than we late-born humans of the present world are? Were their…
What role does the need for 𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑦 play in Spinoza’s comprehensive philosophy? What role does it play in any philosopher’s vision of the whole? Can we even speak of “philosophy”…
Can a philosopher (also) be a reliable and trustworthy psychologist if he has only the most tenuous and guarded relationship with art, literature, and mythology? When he dismisses all…
Is Giegerich’s psychological analysis of Jung’s “flight into the unconscious” helping to initiate me into spiritual-philosophical 𝑚𝑎𝑛ℎ𝑜𝑜𝑑? Have I been desperately, if unconsciously, hanging onto the obsolete, no longer…
Are fraud, deception, lying, and dissimulation not only permissible for the stability and security of the state – but necessary – precisely because scrupulosity in (private, personal) morals is…
In taking his bearings from men “as they are, and not from how they 𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒,” Machiavelli – like Hobbes and other modern political philosophers who followed him…
In what ways does my journaling activity support and reinforce the (illusory) idea that I am a 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛? Although (following Nisargadatta’s lead) I have written a great deal about…
Before retiring last night, I watched the Maysles brothers’ highly acclaimed 1969 documentary, “Salesman.” There are perhaps few rivals with this bleak but extraordinary film when it comes to dealing…
Transitional phases probably occupy a bigger portion of our lives than we realize. Because they occur “in between” two more or less defined and recognizable chapters or stages in…
Schopenhauer said that a sense of humor is the only thing 𝑑𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑛𝑒 in a human being, but I’m beginning to suspect that my own “precious” sense of humor may constitute…
I find it helpful to conceive of significant artists and thinkers, visionaries and moralists, as more or less comprehensive focalizations of cultural material organized in a distinct way.…
Let us reflect briefly upon low culture and high culture. What do we mean by such a distinction? Does it pertain more to the cultural content under consideration or to…
What is likely to happen if I begin to tire of word-knowledge – to become fed up with the inherited labels and terms that limn and lame such…
It seems evident to me that if person A is stuck in the condition of powerlessness vis-à-vis person B, it is highly doubtful that A’s professions of 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒 for…
I know it is an extremely, perhaps recklessly broad generalization – and, moreover, once pointed out, it seems so obvious that it deserves no special notice – but Christianity…
Friend: I would assert that ‘spirituality’ and idealism are modes of denial/escapism. Me: I couldn’t agree with you more, although it appears my understanding of the key word…
It would appear necessary to first go through the full development of individual ego-consciousness before one becomes properly qualified for what I might call 𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑝 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑐𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑠𝑛𝑒𝑠𝑠, which is no longer…
We might conceive of human consciousness—and the individual ego that is a by-product of that consciousness—as a glowing filament, the sort of filament we find in light bulbs. The filament…
What is an independent thinker? Put differently: from what does the self-liberated thinker become independent? What new kind of relationship can the independent thinker have with that from which s/he…
I’m reflecting upon the heated little donnybrook that erupted yesterday under a post I shared (it was a list of documented offenses committed by Trump, with the suggestion that…